
Giant Word Search

Language & Literacy

4-6 years

Explore new words and knowledge. Word searches are calming and quietly entertaining. This creative activity will help improve your child’s spelling and concentration and is great for enhancing visual acuity.


  • Large piece of paper or cardboard 
  • Letter-size paper 
  • Masking tape
  • Black marker
  • Coloured marker


  1. Choose 10 to 12 search words appropriate to your child’s reading ability.
  2. Write the words vertically, horizontally, and diagonally on the large paper. Aim to have 10 letters across and 10 letters down.
  3. Surround the words with random letters.
  4. Tape the word search to the wall.
  5. Write the search words on the letter-sized paper and tape next to the word search.

Start the search

  1. Ask your child to find all the words by circling or scoring a line through them with a coloured marker.
  2. Have your child cross-off each word as they find it.
  3. Ask your child to explain what the words mean as they find them.


For younger children, try searching for easier sight words (E.g. CAT, DOG MOM, DAD, etc.).

At Learning Jungle, we believe all children are capable, confident and full of potential. Co-learning empowers your child to take initiative. Encouraging child participation and engaging in open-ended, thought-provoking conversation throughout play is important for healthy child development.

Conversations with your child

  • How many words have you found so far?
  • Make sure to cross-off the words you have found on your key!
  • Try to read through each row of letters!
  • Take your time and don’t rush!
  • What does that word mean?
  • Can you find any secret words?

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